Practice Makes Play

We had our first all-cast rehearsal for Courage last night. We did a round-robin read-through with the band playing the various songs we’ve been rehearsing the last few weeks. The violinist and I were the only ones going acoustic up against the guitar, bass, accordian and drums…which was actually kinda freeing for the first “performance.”

I’m still pretty shakey on a lot of the chord changes and strumming patterns, so it was lovely to know not many people would hear me if I goofed up. And also nice to know I could experiment in the realms I was comfortable in to make the performance as much of a practice session as any other.

More practice on Tuesday night! Playtime continues.

Rehearsing to Be a Gypsy Punk

I spent last night rehearsing with the band for Courage. It was exceedingly cool. The crew was composed of a guitarist, bassist, drummer, violinist, accordionist and me on mandolin. The sound was so…full. It was the first time I’d played with that many people, not to mention played to be heard (rather than just blend into the background).

This Sunday we’ll play for the cast, so I guess it’s a little like our first performance. Maybe more like a try-out. If I can just hit that stupid Bb, I’ll be content. 

I’ll see if I can get the ok from the musical director to record a bit of a song or rehearsal for a preview here.

Baking Something New

Hey all,

So I dropped off the face of the blogging earth, huh? Sorry to those who were checking this page out with any regularity. But it makes me laugh a little when I look at the date of my last post — October 29, 2008 — because just a week later I learned I had already embarked on my most ambitious baking project yet. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Me and the Mister are gonna have a kiddo, you see! So I’m hoping you forgive my multi-month absence, as well as what is likely to continue to be a lazy updating schedule.

You know what’s weird? With every week that goes by, my mandolin moves just a little further away from me. 🙂 The kiddo seems to enjoy the music, though. Speaking of…I’ve been given a really cool opportunity to play and sing in an upcoming workshop production of Courage — a take on Mother Courage and Her Children by Bertolt Brecht. I’ll be one of the minstrel rabble and we’re performing all original music…very gypsy punk stuff. Way out of my comfort zone (but then again, what isn’t at this point?) but so much fun to fiddle with. Lots of minor chords and trills going on…much stretching of the fingers.

It’ll go up early May and is being put on by Dog & Pony DC, a DC theater company run by three terrifically creative ladies. You can keep up with how Courage unfolds on their blog. And I’ll probably be babbling about it here, too.

Cheers, for now!